Thank you, Pierce, Snohomish, King and Jefferson County leadership, for giving your residents their sole opportunity to vote informed. Stay blessed.
Dear friend, please forward the following content to journalists and decision makers in your organization.
***Over the last 2 years the leadership of Ukraine and Russia frequently acknowledged an American’s twitter stories through MSN headlines.
Topics in this contact:
1. Social media anecdotes draw the attention of the governments of Ukraine, Russia, US and other NATO countries.
2. Institutionalized college deception. Common college practices affecting grades, scholarships and graduate school access.
3. Housing, healthcare, the department of "justice?" and systemic crime.
4.Twitter silences a voice serving to preserve national security.
122, 24 and 50 are critical numbers in stories posted on social media by @ancient12000. Over the last 2 years, Ukraine and the Russian Federation have consistently acknowledged numbers and symbols appearing on the @ancient profile through war tactics and press releases. E.g.: 24 planes shut down by Ukraine. // 50 RF tanks bombed by Ua. (I expect both headlines were factually inaccurate.) // A 24 billion failed aid request by Ua. // January 22nd (122) Ukraine's new Unity Day was first adopted in 2023. // United 24, is a Ukrainian organization established at the start of the war. Think of me as a "hands-on" fan of Imagine Dragons, though it won't be clear at the moment as to why. Was Mr. Reynolds actively recruited by United 24? // How about Oasis? The link to the original video for Champaigne Supernova was integrated in my twitter stories. It seems the band was later recruited to support the war. Oasis replaced the original music video with one in which yellow, blue and seemingly blood became central visual messages. // Only recently, some 424 + thousand Russians had died in the war according to Ukrainian media. Of course, the reliability of numbers in MSN headlines is highly questionable. // Numbers 47 and 69 were only much later claimed as critical components of the story. Eventually, a newly developed Russian missile, labeled 69, made the news. // 50-year-old tanks were sent into battles by Russia after the main anecdote was posted in 2022. // The US also sent 50-year-old tanks to Ukraine but only after I began reaching for the President’s and the Vice President’s twitter accounts. // Of a 60 billion aid request, 50 billion, to be allocated to weapons and war efforts. // However, to my disappointment, 19, a critical number to the story line has gone largely ignored.
In 22, Z received Ms. Nancy Pelosi in a room decorated with fleur-de-lys, the second symbol appearing in the story line (between crosses and rockets.) The reception video, posted on You Tube and later edited, highlighted extremely unusual and highly jittery camera action as it focused on Mr. Zelensky taking a seat. The erratic focus was designed to stimulate attentiveness to the scene. Behind Mr. Zelensky’s shoulders, a fireplace mantel decorated on corners with fleur-de-lys. Early in the war Mr. Zelensky resorted to shaming "traitors" by tying them to public posts. Statues were tied to posts in my anecdotes. The fragment was deleted but many students attending UW in the 2014-2015 school year are likely to have seen the school mascot tied to a lamp post as she, proudly I say, wore a flier. Please google "The "smart" lie," a video presentation of the flier, and an introduction to my economic reform argument.
The short stories posted "@ ancient12000"may shed light on Mr. Putin’s hesitation to declare war on May 9th 2022. He has been trying to settle the war in Ukraine since 2022. His attention must have been garnered some time prior to the 3-day detainment of a You Tuber at the base of a rocket.
The central anecdote is of 3 live creatures, bearing 3 symbols i.e. two crosses, a fleur-de-lys and a rocket. I am a You Tuber. Holding a You Tuber hostage at the base of a rocket (as opposed to a detention center) for 3 days is nonsensical activity (or reporting) unless it was indirectly acknowledging receipt of story by Russia.
The mouse anecdote (not yet included on my website) is a true event discussed over lunch at a neuroscience assembly (2016) in a debate about animal cognition. News had reported Mr. Putin (P) chased rats and got chased by one as a boy.
If you scroll through “tweets and replies”, to a time near the early phases of the war, you will find stories of 3 dreams. If you are familiar with some of Mr. Putin’s benign behaviors, one of these dreams, and the true event, thereafter, must have hit a home run in Russia. (RF counterpart: ~P hires thug to poop on reporter's car.)
From a mouse to 3 spiders and a poop incident, strange events were finding metaphorical tangents in the war. Listening to the news, I gave Mr. Putin a 60 to 80 % probability of nuclear deployment (see below for an explanation as to why.) Of course, efforts to enlist the Governments of China and India to help dissuade an RF nuclear strike, indicate the Biden administration was weary as well. I began telling my stories hoping providence led them to all parties involved for potential spiritual development.
I briefly summarize why I believe RF's nuclear threats were not bluffs:
- Body health affects state of mind and controls choice. The news frequently reported signs that Mr. Putin was very ill.
- News reels were indicating corrupt Russian oligarchs had sold Russia’s weapons. The RF was flirting with losing the war due to western aid. The nukes were basically the only effective weapon Mr. Putin may have had left. Yes, it may have been both a FIRST and LAST response, but then again, if he was very ill and assumptively dying, then he was likely in a dark state of mind. Moreover, losing the war would have undermined his standing in Russia anyway.
- As some of us know, Mr. Putin built a church in his birth town. Was Mr. Putin in the right frame of mind to take the book of Revelation a little too literally? Only he knows the truth, but I hope he someday enlightens us so future generations may learn to more accurately discern potential hazards.
- Superpowers were falling into war formation. This is a naturally apocalyptic arrangement. War is the ultimate ego contest and many of the countries pulled into this potential "end game" scenario are nuclear nations. In the nuclear age, always count on the loser to go out with a statement (rules of thumb.) We are at a crossroads. World governments have but 2 choices: plunge the planet into potentially apocalyptic warfare or seek sustainable solutions. Intelligent species only, survive technological development. Species ruled foremost by ego and aggression take themselves out of the cosmic equation.
I suspect the President, VP Harris and at least some members of Congress are familiar with the story.
I maintained a consistent Monday, Thursday twitter presence. The last day I was able to post was a Thursday. Did you know the President and members of Congress coincidentally spent time in the chapel that morning? A little strange for a Thursday, would you not say? Has the administration become a little more overtly devout since the end of 2022? News, social media posts, and behavioral transformations in the white house suggest I was able to reach someone within. Please note there is a similar spiritual transformation in Russia. Wars kill. We must draw a line between God and mass-murder events.
My will. This section of the document stands in perpetuity.
@@ancient12000 was silenced on X. There are no limits to an individual's potential when free speech is allowed and empowered. My activity on X (former twitter) illustrates the point, and those who know it, know it well. Unfortunately, these days we see a lot of effort to snuff dissenting opinion with disregard to sense or impact. That having been said, should I fail to sort out my X account disagreements within my lifetime, I will @ancient12000 content deleted from X. I downloaded the archive 2 days before the account was frozen. If possible, I wish it uploaded to my You Tube channel (2youtext1). I expect they could eventually find a way to accommodate it. Please do not allow the archive to be rerouted through X for content visibility.
And on to the good news… Socio-economic arrangements that worked over previous decades are no longer doing well. However, systems are like people, to be born and thrive, but must eventually be retired. Today's challenges call us to keep it together and reinvent the world as we know it. We, the many, are good people. We must, can, and will find love, strength, wisdom, and the innovative spirit amongst ourselves if not in our governments.
Universal college access to the willing to try, and instantaneous teaching reform.
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